Tax and Available Rebate Information

   The Federal Government has brought back tax credits for updating with certain Energy Efficient products in 2016.  Many have been backdated to include 2015 installations of furnaces, air conditioning systems and water heaters to name a few. Qualified equipment installed in 2015 or 2016 is eligible for this credit.  Be aware that the cumulative maximum amount of tax credit that can be claimed by a tax payer in ALL years combined is $500.00. If you have already claimed up to the $500.00 tax credit in any previous year, you are ineligible for additional tax credits for any new equipment purchases. Consult your financial preparer for details.

 More information can be found at :



Focus on Energy offers Cash-Back Rewards to Wisconsin customers of participating utilities. Note that specific eligibility depends on the home's natural gas and/or electric utility provider.  Focus on Energy offers cash-back rewards in the form of a rebate check for qualifying high-efficiency furnaces, boilers and cooling systems. New in 2016 is a Smart Thermostat Incentive.

More information is available at:



Rheem, manufacturer of our furnace and air conditioners of choice, often will offer rebate incentives for qualifying high efficiency units.   Contact us today to find out how you can benefit for years to come with LOWER FUEL bills and instantly with the rebates. Find out more at


 Check out: with links to local retailers and tracks the latest rebate news.

An Energy Star stamp of approval doesn't guarantee that you are buying the most energy-efficient product in a category -- some appliances go beyond Energy Star criteria. Since replacing an older appliance offers an opportunity to cut down on monthly electric bills, it's worth it to do some research to find the most energy-efficient appliance that works for you. In fact, some states base rebate amounts on how efficient your particular product is, so you'll save more up front and over the life of the appliance.

Ultimately, how much you save on operating costs by switching to a more efficient appliance depends on which new appliance you buy and the appliance you are replacing. Some examples from the DOE: Save up to $135 a year by replacing a clothes washer that was made before 2000 with a new Energy Star model. Replacing a refrigerator made before 1993 with a new Energy Star model can save you up to $65 a year.

Consumer Reports offers tips for finding appliances that perform well and save money on energy.

 Go to:  for more information






























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